Some Resources For Personal Development

Looking to improve yourself? So what are some resources for personal development?

Some Resources For Personal Development

Hi! Ian here, and welcome to this article – your one-stop shop for turbocharging your personal growth!

We’ve all been there, right? Staring at the self-help aisle in the bookstore, overwhelmed by a million paths to “be your best self.” But fear not, intrepid explorer! Let’s ditch the info overload and crack the code on finding the perfect resources for your personal development journey.

First things first – what’s your jam? Feeling stuck in a career rut? Dive into podcasts like “How I Built This” or for inspiring founder stories and actionable tips.

Need a creativity kickstart? Unleash your inner Picasso with online courses like Skillshare’s “Creative Illustration” or Domestika‘s “Typography for Creatives.” For the mindfulness masters in the making, apps like Headspace or Calm offer guided meditations and soothing sleep sounds that’ll have you zenning out in no time. (Seriously, try the “Ocean Waves” soundscape on Calm – pure magic!)

But personal development isn’t just about apps and podcasts, my friends. Grab a journal (Moleskine, anyone?) and start penning your deepest thoughts. Check out Julia Cameron’s “The Artist’s Way” for journaling prompts that’ll unlock your hidden potential. Feeling social? Join local meetups or Facebook groups focused on your area of interest – think book clubs for bibliophiles or coding communities for tech wizards. The connections you make can be just as transformative as any self-help guru (and a whole lot more fun!).

Remember, personal development is a marathon, not a sprint. Don’t pressure yourself to be a productivity ninja overnight. Celebrate the small wins, embrace the occasional stumble, and keep exploring! This journey is all about discovering what makes you tick, and there’s no finish line – just a lifetime of becoming the best version of yourself. Now, go forth and conquer, personal development pioneers!

S0 if you looking to develop new skills or simply grow as a person, there are plenty of resources available to help you reach your goals.

When you choose to embark on a journey of personal development, you will need a way to measure your progress and to facilitate that you will need tools, tips, and guidance.

Personal development is all about taking the time to invest in yourself and your future. Whether you’re looking to improve your career prospects, develop new skills, or simply become a better version of yourself, there are plenty of resources available to help you achieve your goals.

One great resource for personal development is Personal Development books. There are countless books out there on topics such as self-help, career development, and personal growth. Personal Development Books can provide valuable insights and guidance for anyone looking to improve their life.

Another resource for personal development is online courses. Platforms like Udemy, Coursera, and Skillshare offer a wide range of courses on topics such as leadership, communication, and time management. These courses are often taught by experts in their respective fields and can be completed at your own pace from the comfort of your own home.

Finally, coaching and mentorship can be incredibly valuable resources for personal development. A coach or mentor can provide guidance, support, and accountability as you work towards your goals. Whether you’re looking for career advice, help with personal relationships, or simply someone to talk to, a coach or mentor can help you get there.

There are many resources available for personal development, from books and online courses to coaching and mentorship. By investing in yourself and taking advantage of these resources, you can achieve your goals and become the best version of yourself.

Personal Development Tools And Techniques

The Importance Of Monitoring A Personal Development Plan

You will need to assess your skills and qualities, discover your life purpose, and set goals to achieve your maximum potential.

Identify The Resources Required To Support Your Personal Development Plan

There is an abundance of personal development resources available, so in this article, I have concentrated on those resources that can be easily found online and that I have personal experience with.

Personal Development Podcasts

The Tony Robbins Podcast

Tony Robbins is beyond doubt the biggest name in personal development, and you can dive into his wealth of amazing motivational knowledge via his podcast hub.

Tony’s podcasts provide proven strategies and tactics for achieving massive results in your business, relationships, health, and finances.

More than 50 million people from over 100 countries have benefited from Tony’s training and have seen meaningful changes in their lives.

The Marie Forleo Podcast

In her motivational podcast, Marie Forleo interviews some BIG names, covering topics such as happiness, success, motivation, creativity, productivity, love, health, contribution, and fulfilment.

Marie also offers business, marketing, and career advice.

The Lively Show – The School of Greatness

Brought to you by Lewis Howes, a top author, and former professional athlete. The Lively Show – The School of Greatness will share with you, uplifting stories from world-class athletes, influential celebrities, and brilliant business minds, helping you find out what makes great people great.

The Lavendaire Lifestyle

Personal growth and lifestyle podcast brought to you by Aileen Xu. Each week, Aileen brings inspiration on how to create your dream life.

Tiny Leaps Big Changes

Tiny Leaps Big Changes is a podcast brought to you by Gregg Clunis. Greg is an entrepreneur, author, artist, and thinker, and helps people become improved versions of themselves. Gregg’s core philosophy is that tiny leaps create significant changes.


Personal Development Books

The 7 Habits Of Highly Effective People… Dr. Steven R. Covey

Dr.Stephen Covey is a top management guru and influencer, and his book, The Seven Habits Of Highly Effective People, became the go-to publication for self-improvement when it was published in 1990.

In the Seven Habits Of Highly Effective People, each of the Seven Habits is presented as standards that are motivational and aspirational and are perfectly suited to those who seek to create and enjoy a meaningful, purposeful life, more so now than ever before.

How To Win Friends And Influence People… Dale Carnegie

How to Win Friends and Influence People is one of the original best-selling self-help motivation books ever published. First published in 1937, it has sold more than 15 million copies globally.

How To Stop Worrying and Start Living… Dale Carnegie

How To Stop Worrying and Start Living… Dale Carnegie Over seven million people have learned a way to eliminate debilitating fear from their lives using the effective advice put forward by Dale Carnegie in this wonderful book, and are now enjoying worry-free lives.

The Power Of Positive Thinking… Norman Vincent Peel

Born in Bowersville, Ohio, USA, on May 31, 1898, Norman Vincent Peale grew up helping support his family by delivering newspapers and selling pots and pans door to door, but later became one of the foremost influential clergymen within the United States during the 20th-century.

The Seven Spiritual Laws Of Success… Deepak Chopra

In just one hour, you can learn how to realize your dreams in all areas of your life. By applying the simple principles Deepak has distilled in this transformative work, you’ll effortlessly manifest material wealth, good health, energy, enthusiasm for life, and fulfilling relationships.

Personal Development Audio Books

Think and Grow Rich – Napolean Hill

The original and classic Think and Grow Rich, written by revolutionary success writer Napoleon Hill, has been a top bestseller throughout the decades since its first publication in 1937. In a full and unabridged audiobook, you’ll hear inspirational techniques and tips that will help you achieve your goals.

Listening to case studies of renowned world leaders in history, You will find yourself motivated by the timeless advice that Hill details, and start on your journey to living a positive, successful life.

The Seven Spiritual Laws of Success – Deepak Chopra

You don’t have to have a driving ambition, make exacting plans, or work hard to achieve what you want, according to Deepak Chopra in his excellent audiobook, The Seven Spiritual Laws of Success. Chopra has distilled the essence of his teachings into seven steps that will enable you to enjoy all the success you ever dreamed of.

Rich Dad Poor Dad – Robert T. Kiyosaki

A part of our personal development might be that of learning how to raise children well, and part of their upbringing will be to learn the value of money. Robert T. Kiyosaki in his superb audiobook, Rich Dad Poor Dad, provides all the guidance you will ever need to ensure you are providing them with good advice.

Girl, Stop Apologizing – Rachel Hollis

In Girl, Stop Apologizing, Rachel Hollis dispels the age-old myth that women need permission to want more in life. She advises women to own their hopes, dreams, and desires through her encouragement.

Take Control of Your Life – Mel Robbins

Almost everyone fears change rejection and loneliness. In her audiobook, Take Control Of Your Life, Mel Robbins will guide you through, improving your relationships, how to find your purpose in life, and how to make sure that you are in control.


Personal Development e-books

How to Create Empowering Beliefs – Tony Robbins

Many people suffer from limiting beliefs. In his e-book, How to Create Empowering Beliefs, Tony Robbins will share tips on how to challenge and overcome your limiting beliefs, enabling you to build a strong identity.

The Jim Rohn Guide to Goal Setting – Jim Rohn

If it is essential that you set goals, then it is equally essential that those goals are SMART. Jim Rohn in his e-book, The Jim Rohn Guide to Goal Setting, explains why journaling is an essential part of goal setting and why your goals should meet the SMART criteria.

Emotional Needs in Relationships – Mark Manson

This is an e-book for anyone who might be struggling with relationships. Mark describes why those close to you might react to you in unexpected ways and how you can learn to understand your partner’s needs.

The Science of Self-Improvement Workbook: A 31-Day Crash Course for Improving Your Life – Steven Handel

Steven Handel is your self-improvement mentor on a day-to-day basis as you work through relationships, self-talk, and meditation exercises in this e-book.

The Bold Living Toolkit – Barrie Davenport

In The Bold Living Toolkit, a series of e-books, Barrie explores the main ingredients of living a good life, including some chapters that will elicit some self-reflection.

Personal Development Videos and DVDs

Awaken The Giant Within – Tony Robbins

Possibly one of the greatest personal development resources on the planet, this set of DVDs has already helped millions of people. Allow Tony to awaken your sleeping giant.

Episode Free Video Training – Brian Tracy

Long-time motivational speaker Brian Tracy provides free personal development video training on his website. Visit Brian at:

The Secret

One of the most famous personal development compilations out there featuring the thoughts and findings of a host of luminaries including authors, philosophers, doctors, quantum physicists, entrepreneurs, and spiritual practitioners.

Excuses Begone! How to Change Lifelong, Self-Defeating Thinking Habits – Dr. Wayne W. Dyer

In this life-changing lecture, Wayne Dyer, a well-known author, and self-development coach shows us how to change our limited thinking habits so that we will be able to reach our full potential.

The Essence of Success – Earl Nightingale

Earl Nightingale is one of the masters of personal development. In this DVD, he will take you on a 30-day journey that will enable you to see amazing progress in your chosen goals.


Personal Development Mobile Phone Apps

Gratitude Journal

Need help with your personal development goals? This app will definitely help you to clear your mind of clutter. Android | iOS

Happier App

If you believe that feeling happy will help you achieve your goals, you need to download the Happier App. Android

Bestify Me

Bestify Me is one of the best personality apps available. This app includes personal development tools and inspirational quotes that will help keep you upbeat throughout the day. Android | iOS


Want to improve your problem-solving skills? Lumosity will help you do exactly that. It will also help you discover your strengths and weaknesses.

Coach me

Measuring progress throughout your personal development journey is one of the most important things you need to do, and the Coach Me App could be your best friend for just doing that as you celebrate your achievements. Android | iOS

Having used, read, or watched them all, I’m confident that the foregoing list of resources for personal development will be of immeasurable help in your quest for the best you.


What is a personal development tool?

A personal development tool is something that helps you become the best possible version of yourself. It could be anything from a book to a course to a daily habit.

Where can I find inspiration and support on my personal development journey?

Some people find inspiration in their religious beliefs, while others find inspiration in nature or art. Some people find support from friends and family, while others seek out professional counselling or coaching.

How can I find a personal development program that’s right for me?

Decide what areas of your life you would like to improve.
Do some research online to find programs that cater to your specific needs and interests.
Talk to friends and family members who have participated in personal development programs and get their recommendations.

Final Words

Whether you’re looking to get ahead in your career, improve your relationships, or just live a happier life, there is a personal development resource out there for you. We’ve shared some of our favorites here, but don’t stop with this list – do some digging and find the resources that work best for you.

The most important thing is to start somewhere and make self-development a regular part of your routine.

Wishing you Health, Wealth, and happiness

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