Neuro Linguistic Programming Example

Neuro Linguistic Programming Example. NLP is a powerful tool that can help you achieve your goals and live a more fulfilling life.

But what is it exactly, and how does it work?

Neuro Linguistic Programming Example

Hi. Ian here and welcome to this article.

Today, let’s talk about neuro-linguistic programming (NLP) examples.NLP is a powerful tool that can help you achieve your goals and live a more fulfilling life. But what is it exactly, and how does it work?

In short, NLP is a way of programming your mind and body to achieve your desired outcomes. It’s based on the idea that our thoughts, feelings, and behaviors are all interconnected. By changing the way we think, we can change the way we feel and act.

And NLP examples are everywhere. Here are just a few:

Overcoming public speaking anxiety. NLP can be used to help you identify and challenge the negative thoughts and beliefs that are causing your anxiety.

Once you’ve identified these thoughts and beliefs, you can replace them with more positive and empowering ones.

Quitting smoking. NLP can be used to help you break the habit of smoking by associating it with negative emotions and disassociating it from positive ones.
Improving your sales performance. NLP can be used to help you build rapport with potential customers, understand their needs, and present your products or services in a way that is most likely to appeal to them.
Boosting your self-confidence. NLP can be used to help you identify and challenge the negative self-talk that is holding you back. Once you’ve identified these negative thoughts, you can replace them with more positive and affirming ones.

These are just a few examples of how NLP can be used to improve your life. The possibilities are endless.

Here’s a specific NLP example that you can try yourself:

Imagine that you have a big presentation coming up and you’re feeling nervous. You can use NLP to help you overcome your anxiety by visualizing yourself giving a successful presentation.

Close your eyes and imagine yourself standing in front of your audience, feeling confident and relaxed. You’re speaking clearly and articulately, and your audience is engaged and interested in what you have to say.

As you visualize your success, take note of the positive emotions that you’re feeling. This could be excitement, confidence, or a sense of accomplishment.

Once you’ve finished visualizing your success, open your eyes and take a few deep breaths. Bring the positive emotions that you were feeling in your visualization into the present moment.

Now, you’re ready to give your presentation with confidence!

If you’re interested in learning more about NLP, there are several resources available online and in libraries. You can also find NLP practitioners who can help you learn the techniques and apply them to your own life.

So, there you have it. A brief introduction to NLP examples. I hope you found this article informative and helpful. If you have any questions, please feel free to leave a comment below.

Thanks for reading!



The NLP Practitioner: The Complete Guide to Neuro-Linguistic Programming by Paul McKenna
NLP: The New Technology of Achievement by Richard Bandler and John Grinder
NLP in Action: Powerful Tools for Personal and Professional Success by Thomas J. O’Connor and John Seymour

Origins and Creators of Neuro Linguistic Programming

The Origins of Neuro Linguistic Programming

Neuro Linguistic Programming (NLP) originated in the 1970s as a model of communication and personal development created by Richard Bandler and John Grinder. Here are some key facts about the origins of NLP:

  • Bandler and Grinder’s Collaboration Richard Bandler and John Grinder first began their collaboration in the early 1970s in Santa Cruz, California.
  • Modeling Human Excellence Bandler and Grinder were fascinated by the idea that it was possible to model the thinking patterns and behaviors of individuals who were excellent at what they did. They believed it was possible to learn these models of excellence.
  • Influences from Linguistics, Gestalt Therapy and More
    In developing NLP, Bandler, and Grinder drew upon ideas from linguistics, Gestalt therapy, family therapy, and hypnosis among other fields. They focused on studying and modeling exceptional people in fields like therapy and sales.

The Creators of NLP: Richard Bandler and John Grinder

Richard Bandler and John Grinder are considered the co-creators of Neuro Linguistic Programming. Here is the background of each founder:

  • Richard Bandler Richard Bandler was a student at the University of California Santa Cruz in the 1970s. He helped develop the foundations of NLP by modeling exceptional therapists like Fritz Perls and Virginia Satir. He is known for his creative, insightful thinking.
  • John Grinder John Grinder was a professor of linguistics at the University of California Santa Cruz in the 1970s. His background in linguistics informed the development of NLP. He provided theoretical foundations and helped model exceptional therapists.
  • Complementary Expertise
    Together, Bandler and Grinder used their complementary expertise to develop the theories, models, and techniques at the core of NLP. Their collaboration was essential to the origination of this influential approach.

NLP has had a major impact on fields like psychology, business, and coaching thanks to the pioneering work of Richard Bandler and John Grinder in modeling human excellence and creating an invaluable set of tools for personal development. Their creation has stood the test of time.

Understanding Neuro Linguistic Programming

What is Neuro Linguistic Programming?

Neuro Linguistic Programming (NLP) is an approach to communication, personal development, and psychotherapy created in the 1970s. Here’s an overview:

  • The Mind-Body Connection NLP focuses on the connection between the mind (neuro), language (linguistic), and patterns of behavior (programming).
  • A Model of Excellence NLP provides models of how we think and behave. It was developed by studying therapists, salespeople, and others who were exceptional at what they did.
  • Tools and Techniques
    NLP includes a toolkit of techniques that can be learned to improve communication, achievement, visualization, and more.

Core Principles of NLP

NLP is based on several key principles that provide a foundation for applying its models and techniques:

  • The Map vs. The Territory NLP proposes that we all have subjective maps or models of the world, not objective territory. These maps determine how we behave and interpret events.
  • Outcomes-Focused NLP emphasizes focusing on desired outcomes rather than problems. Setting a well-formed outcome is key.
  • Sensory Awareness NLP suggests paying attention to sensory experience. Our mental maps are reflected in sensory-based language.
  • Flexibility
    NLP is about flexibility – in behaviors, thinking patterns, mental maps, and more. The ability to change enables growth.

Main Components of NLP

NLP focuses on three fundamental components that influence thinking and behavior:

  • Neuro. How we filter and process the world through our senses.
  • Linguistic. The language patterns we use to make sense of the world.
  • Programming. The actions and behaviors we use to achieve results.

Understanding these core principles provides a foundation for applying NLP’s models and techniques in communication, growth, and achieving desired outcomes.

The Structure and Techniques of NLP Application of NLP in Therapy

The Structure of NLP

Neuro Linguistic Programming is structured around models of how people process information and behave. Key structural components include:

  • Representational Systems NLP categorizes how we internally represent experience through visual, auditory, kinesthetic, olfactory, and gustatory senses.
  • Logical Levels NLP organizes thinking into hierarchical logical levels: environment, behavior, capabilities, values/beliefs, identity, and spirituality.
  • Meta Model and Milton Model
    Language patterns are categorized through the Meta Model (precision) and Milton Model (artful vagueness).

Core Techniques in NLP

NLP incorporates countless techniques and tools. Some of the foundational techniques include:

  • Anchoring Anchoring associates an internal state with an external trigger for recall.
  • Modeling Modeling examines how others achieve excellence to replicate strategies.
  • Reframing Reframing shifts perspectives on beliefs, experiences, and behaviors.
  • Setting Well-Formed Outcomes
    Defining desired outcomes thoroughly in sensory-based terms.

Using NLP in Therapy

NLP offers many applications in therapy and counselling settings:

  • Establishing Rapport Mirroring and matching clients’ verbal and nonverbal patterns.
  • Identifying Representational Systems Assessing visual, auditory, and kinesthetic predicates.
  • Reframing Limiting Beliefs Shifting to more empowering frames and narratives.
  • Modeling Positive Behaviors Identifying and adopting healthy models for relationships, self-care, etc.
  • #Setting Well-Formed Outcomes
    Defining therapeutic goals in concrete sensory-based terms.

NLP provides therapists with impactful tools for transforming clients’ patterns of thinking, communication, and behavior.

NLP in Personal Development

How NLP Can Enhance Personal Development

Neuro Linguistic Programming offers many techniques and insights that can positively transform your personal development journey.

  • Improve Self-Awareness NLP builds sensory acuity skills for understanding unconscious signals, body language cues, and distinct thinking patterns.
  • Set Clear Outcomes Defining well-formed outcomes clarifies your vision of desired personal growth and what you want to achieve.
  • Transform Limiting Beliefs Reframing helps shift disempowering narratives we tell ourselves into more constructive frames.
  • Enhance Motivation Strategies Anchoring associates positive emotional states with actions so you stay motivated to pursue growth.
  • Develop Healthier Habits Modeling allows you to analyze the thinking patterns and behaviors of positive role models to integrate what works.
  • Improve Relationships
    NLP communication tools like pacing and leading foster deeper rapport and intimacy in relationships.

Areas of Personal Growth With NLP

Some key areas of personal development where NLP can make an impact include:


Reframing self-doubt, using anchoring to access confident emotional states.


Transforming fixed mindsets into growth mindsets open to change.

Communication Skills

Matching and pacing for better influence and connection.

Emotional Intelligence

Enhanced sensory acuity and behavioral flexibility.


Reframing setbacks objectively as learning experiences.

With its experiential tools, NLP offers a pathway to break through limits and create the life you want.

Role of NLP in Various Fields

How NLP is Applied in Business

NLP offers many applications in the business world:

  • Leadership Development Modeling exceptional leaders and improving communication/influence skills.
  • Sales Training Rapport skills, sensory acuity to read prospects, reframing objections.
  • Negotiation Skills Pacing and leading, building win-win frameworks.
  • Presentation Skills Anchoring confidence, managing anxiety, impactful delivery.
  • Coaching/Mentoring
    Setting outcomes, managing mindsets, accountability.

The Role of NLP in Education

NLP can enhance teaching, learning, and education in these ways:

  • Engaging Different Learning Styles Adapt to visual, auditory, and kinesthetic learners.
  • Building Rapport with Students Pacing and leading thinking, matching body language.
  • Instilling Positive Mindsets Reframing limiting beliefs about capabilities.
  • Improving Public Speaking Tools for confidence, preparation, and delivery.
  • Enhancing Memory and Study Skills
    Anchoring techniques associate learning with positivity.

NLP’s Impact on Health and Wellness

NLP promotes well-being through:

  • Healthier Habits Modeling and anchoring motivation for nutrition, exercise, and sleep.
  • Managing Pain Reframing thought patterns, dissociation techniques.
  • Coaching for Wellness Goals Setting well-formed outcomes for weight loss, and lifestyle changes.
  • Overcoming Addictions Transforming identity and beliefs around addictive behaviors.
  • Stress Management
    Building resilience, reframing pressure, sensory awareness.

The principles of NLP have delivered value across all fields by enhancing human potential.

NLP for Managing Health Conditions

NLP for Chronic Pain Relief

NLP offers drug-free techniques to transform chronic pain patterns:

  • Sensory Awareness Observe how pain registers across visual, auditory, and kinesthetic senses.
  • Dissociation Detach from the pain by visualizing it as an object and creating distance.
  • Reframing Pain Challenge limiting beliefs about pain being permanent or intolerable.
  • Anchoring Resources
    Anchor positive states like comfort to compete with the pain response.

Managing Anxiety Disorders with NLP

NLP anxiety relief strategies include:

  • Identify Triggers Increase sensory acuity to recognize early signs of anxiety.
  • Reframe Limiting Beliefs Challenge thoughts that trigger or exacerbate anxiety.
  • Learn Calming Anchors Anchor relaxed states to consciously counter anxiety.
  • Model Resilient Mindsets
    Study the mindsets of those who stay calm under stress to integrate what works.

NLP for Improving Sleep

NLP sleep techniques help address insomnia:

  • Mindfulness Observe sleep issues without judgment using sensory awareness.
  • Bedroom Environment Evaluate visual, auditory, and other sensory factors affecting sleep.
  • Reframe Sleep Beliefs Challenge beliefs that reinforce insomnia as permanent and unavoidable.
  • Well-Formed Outcome
    Define your specific desired sleep state in positive sensory-based terms.

The tools of NLP offer drug-free alternatives for transforming mindsets, habits, and behaviors around pain, anxiety, sleep issues, and more. With practice, you can retake control over factors affecting health and well-being.

Critiques and Limitations of NLP

Critiques of Theoretical Foundations

Some theoretical critiques of NLP include:

  • Lack of Scientific Evidence Critics argue the lack of controlled studies on NLP concepts and techniques.
  • Vagueness in Definitions Terms like “modeling” are not precisely defined and operationalized.
  • Issues Replicating Results Inability to reliably reproduce therapeutic results and interventions.
  • Problems With Modeling Approach
    Questions around accurately capturing complex cognitive processes.

Concerns About Practical Applications

Some concerns around applying NLP include:

  • Need for Training and Skill Practitioners require extensive training to apply techniques competently.
  • Ethical Uses Must be applied ethically as intended, not for manipulation.
  • Complementary Approach NLP may work best combined with other methods vs. as a standalone treatment.
  • Individual Differences
    No universal techniques – must adapt applications to each person.

Addressing Limitations

Proponents argue NLP limitations can be addressed by:

  • Conducting More Research Increase measurable data on techniques and training outcomes.
  • Standardizing Applications Develop more consistent procedures for using NLP therapeutically.
  • Combining With Other Methods Use NLP as a complement to strengthen counseling, coaching, and training.
  • Emphasizing Ethics
    Prioritize informed consent, training, and non-manipulative uses.

While debates continue, practitioners argue NLP’s value is proven for many in enhancing communication, achievement, and growth when applied ethically.

Influence and Modeling in NLP

Understanding Influence in NLP

NLP utilizes specific techniques to build rapport and influence others ethically:

  • Pacing and Leading First, match someone’s language and behaviors, then gradually guide them.
  • Sensory Acuity Observe verbal and non-verbal signals to understand motivations.
  • Representational Systems Speak to someone’s primary visual, auditory, or kinesthetic style.
  • Conversational Belief Change
    Ask questions to shift limiting beliefs and perceptions.

The NLP Modeling Process

Modeling involves carefully studying talents and strengths to replicate them:

  • Select Skill/Expert to Model Choose an exemplar of excellence you want to learn from.
  • Observe Skill in Action Take note of behaviors, physiology, and thinking patterns.
  • Identify Critical Unconscious Elements Discover key unconscious learnings driving the skill.
  • Apply Your New Model of Excellence
    Practice integrating what you modeled to embody the skill.

Skills to Model for Influence:

Confident Mindsets

Study the posture, physiology, and beliefs of those fully self-assured.


Model the warmth, positivity, and ability to connect with charismatic people.

Public Speaking

Analyze successful speakers for managing nerves, and engaging delivery.


Learn techniques from master negotiators for win-win outcomes.

When practiced ethically, NLP modeling allows you to unlock talents and excellence from role models to integrate into your skillset.


What are some examples of NLP techniques?

Some of the most common NLP techniques include anchoring, reframing, modeling, sensory acuity, setting well-formed outcomes, pacing and leading, and conversational belief change. Each technique provides tools for reshaping thinking patterns, managing emotions, improving communication, or modeling excellence.

How do you use NLP anchoring?

Anchoring associates an internal emotional state with an external trigger so you can recall and access that resourceful state. For example, you could anchor confidence to a hand gesture. Or anchor relaxation to holding a particular object. When needing that feeling, activate the anchor.

What makes NLP different from hypnosis?

While NLP incorporates some linguistic patterns and trance work, it differs from hypnosis. NLP focuses on modeling excellence and aims to create positive change. Hypnosis seeks a deeper trance state. NLP uses hypnotic patterns but is ultimately about improving everyday communication.

What ethical concerns exist around NLP?

Due to its influence techniques, NLP must be practiced ethically. Skilled practitioners obtain informed consent, enhance autonomy, and avoid manipulation. NLP should empower people, not deprive them of control. Responsible training is vital.

How can I get NLP practitioner certification?

Various training institutes offer NLP practitioner certification after completing coursework and supervised practice. Programs range from a few months to over a year. Certification demonstrates core competency. Look for programs approved by the International Association of NLP.

Final Words

The Enduring Value of NLP

In conclusion, NLP continues to offer great value despite critiques about its foundations:

  • NLP Unlocks Human Potential The techniques provide powerful tools for enhancing communication, achievement, and excellence. NLP allows people to break through previous limits to reach new levels of performance.
  • Applications Across Diverse Fields NLP delivers insights and techniques that have been embraced across therapy fields, business, education, health, sports, and interpersonal relationships. The principles apply widely.
  • Core Techniques Drive Real Results When applied competently and ethically, core NLP techniques like modeling excellence, anchoring resourceful states, reframing beliefs, and setting well-formed outcomes create positive change in people’s lives. The techniques make abstract personal development goals concrete.
  • Addressing Valid Critiques and Limitations Concerns around lack of scientific rigor, inconsistent results, vagueness in definitions, and potential misuse are valid critiques. However, proponents argue these limitations can be addressed through more empirical research, developing consistent procedures, and emphasizing ethical use cases.
  • Complementary Approach to Other Methods Rather than a standalone cure-all, NLP may work best alongside other methods like cognitive behavioral therapy, mindfulness practices, motivational interviewing, and coaching. Integrating NLP can strengthen these approaches.
  • The Growth Mindset Matters
    At its core, NLP pioneered a flexibility and growth mindset focused on the potential for people to consciously transform their thinking patterns, behaviors, and capabilities regardless of past limitations. This focus on continued growth is foundational.

While further study is certainly needed, NLP provides transformative and constantly evolving models for thinking, communicating, and operating at higher levels of self-awareness, influence, and skill. Despite limitations, the heart of NLP beats strongly as a system for reaching our human potential.

Wishing you Health, Wealth, and Happiness.

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